Thursday, January 3, 2008


Here's my annual list of New Year's Resolutions, most of which I will inevitably break:

  1. Really be in better touch with my friends and family. This is a resolution I make every year, but this time I *really* want to make it happen.
  2. Work much harder. With my work load for the next semester, I really need to.
  3. Find a balance between work and play that satisfies both needs. Last January: too much work. From February through December 2007: too much play.
  4. Be cleaner and more organized. I'm tired of my room stressing me out and never having clean dishes.
  5. Pull together my image. Be more well-groomed and less slovenly-grad-student-like. I've let my wardrobe slip and haven't cared very much about my appearance for a leeetle bit too long.
  6. Don't get to swept up in the wedding planning and visa anxiety. Bad bridezilla tendencies!
  7. Work on professional goals: write/publish articles, apply for conferences.
  8. Be a better teacher and proctor. Stop letting these things slide.
  9. Be financially responsible. I'm po' and tired of it.
  10. Be healthier: this means eating better, working out, seeing the doctor when I need to, sleeping plenty, not drinking too much, etc. etc.

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